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Find the Beauty Project
Introduction: Welcome! (0:47)
My goal for you and how this will work :)
Here is the link for your workbook to download and print
Session 1
Week 1: Look Back to Look Ahead (3:50)
Looking Back to Look Ahead workbook page
Email your answers to
[email protected]
! I can't wait to get to know you better!
Session 2
Protect It (1:39)
Protect It Time Blocking and Spending Workbook pages
Session 3
Week 3: Food- Real vs Fake (1:47)
Meal Tracker Workbook page
Session 4
Week 4: Moving Your Body (3:52)
Benefits of working out by Dr. Hyman
Moving Your Body Workbook page
Session 5
Week 5: Rest and Stress Management (3:13)
Rest and Stress Workbook Page
Session 6
Week 6: A Look Under the Sink and in Your Medicine Cabinet (2:10)
A Look Under the Sink Workbook page
[email protected]
to schedule a call with Kari
Session 7
Week 7: Try on Your Future (1:23)
Session 8
Week 8: Self Care (4:57)
Self Care Workbook Page
Session 9
Week 9: Who is Getting Your Time? (3:08)
Who is Getting You? Workbook Page
Session 10
Week 10: What is Your Body Telling You? (1:10)
What is Your Body Telling You? workbook Page
Session 11
Week 11 : Protect It: Update (3:30)
Session 12
Week 12: Throw Away All of the Junk (2:14)
[email protected]
to schedule a call with Kari
Week 8: Self Care
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